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The Band of The Royal Irish Regiment

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  • The Band of The Royal Irish Regiment

    I know this section is normally for remembering individuals, so this is slightly different, as I/we today remember with pride and affection the Regimental Band of The Royal Irish Regiment who, a year ago today, were severed from the British Army. Their memory and music lives on, and the Regimental Band survives in the form of the TA, but it doesn't come close ... and as our lads are now scattered across the globe with other Regimental Bands, we all join together today again as one to Remember with affection what was, for us, the best Regimental Band anyone could ever wish to be involved with ... and today we raise our 'Parting Glass' to toast and Remember the Band of The Royal Irish Regiment.

    And the Band plays on.

    Never Forgotten


  • #2

    I think of them when I play the cd that came with the Club Sound cd, good job they do not wear out, my favourites. 8)
    Spanners do it with their tools.


    • #3
      If they ever wear out mate just let me know


      • #4
        Re: band

        Originally posted by spanner
        I think of them when I play the cd that came with the Club Sound cd, good job they do not wear out, my favourites. 8)
        Blimey "Club Sound"...Is that the old "Tommy Thompson" band who did a song about an Indian on the Falls Rd?? Had the line "if you're out of work you can get the brew" in the chorus....

        I have a copy of the album the band did in Berlin if anyone wants me to run off a copy


        • #5

          that's the one Scrim, some nice person already sent me the albumn but if you have any bulletproof knickers they may come in handy.
          Spanners do it with their tools.


          • #6

            It's all coming back...

            "Belfast Belfast wonderful town, it doesn't matter if your skin is brown..."

            Spanner...If you could do an MP3 of the Belfast song, I would be eternally grateful!

            Anyway...back on topic I should have said I have a copy of the album the band of the RIR made in Berlin, "Prussian Glory" that i could run off...


            • #7

              Do a what ??????? :?
              Someone on this site sent a copy of the album on cd to me, do not have an mp3 or any of that fancy stuff. Can anyone else help :)
              I come from India to belfast town
              I'm tall and handsome and my skin is brown,
              got no money but I'm keen to work and
              I got me a house in Allenkirk.
              Spanners do it with their tools.


              • #8
                Ahhh....the strains return....

                Belfast Belfast wonderful town
                It doesnt matter if your skin is brown
                Belfast Belfast I love you
                If youre out of work you can get the Brew

                If someone has a copy and would be willing to run to doing me a copy I would be VERY grateful...

                I could even supply the blank disc!...

                All I then have to do is find a copy of "Squaddies Wife" that used to play on BFBS back in the 80s...These songs are so evocative of my youth!

                I would like to get the chords for my guitar and regale the youth of today with these classics when I go back to the Uluh at the end of the month.

                Educate and entertain...they are my watchwords!

