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Remembering Captain Eric Shielles UDR. 29/4/1977.

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  • Remembering Captain Eric Shielles UDR. 29/4/1977.

    Tuesday is the 30th anniversary to the day, when my friend and mentor, Capt Eric Shielles UDR, was murdered in front of his family. On the 29th of April 1977, I was 19 and I was returning home to the UK after my 4 month tour had come to an end. It was my birthday and I was very happy to be going home. Eric said he would toast my birthday in my absense. We had become good friends, via our joint passion for the countryside and especialy our shared interest of fishing. Eric never got to toast my birthday and I never saw him again. On my 19th birthday, the day I left Dungannon, Eric was murdered! Some cowardly bastard, walked up behind him as he walked up to his front door and blew his brains out.
    One day, I will find the courage to visit his grave. I know where it is and I have a beer for him. One day we will share it together! I have placed a poppy on HIS TREE and I toast him every year, as I always have done!
    To Eric's memory and to that brave band of brothers, THE UDR! SALUTE!

  • #2
    Rest easy sir, always remembered.

    You honour him with your tribute, mate.


    • #3
      You find that day not far away mate. Do it when your ready and only then.
      At the going down of the sun we shall remember him .


      • #4
        Keith came with me to George's resting place which I found a great comfort for want of another word. Do it Chris, and if you need a 'helping hand', just ask.


        • #5
          May he rest in Peace.


          • #6
            May he rest in peace........if you wnat someone there with you mate just let me know


            • #7
              Lest We Forget.


              • #8
                Capt. W. Eric Shields – Aged 49
                8th Bn. Ulster Defence Regiment – G Coy (Part Time)

                Eric was murdered by IRA gunmen as he got into his car outside his home in Dungannon, County Tyrone. Eric had previously served with the Royal Navy during WW2. He was married with six children, and was off duty at the time of his murder.

                A brave man and true.

                We Will Remember Them

                Switches, if ever you want to visit his grave and need someone to help or assist, you only have to ask. You'll do that in your own time, I'm sure, but if I could say anything it would be this ... I would urge anyone who has lost a family member or a friend over here to make that pilgrimage, if only once. It may not/won't heal the wounds, but until you do it will always be one of those jobs that needs to be done. I didn't know this man, but I'm sure that if he earned your friendship he would have been a friend indeed ... loyal and true. Do it mate, but in your own time ... and remember that those of us here will be only happy to help/assist where we can.


                • #9
                  Lest We Forget..


                  • #10
                    Lest We Forget



                    • #11
                      Rest in Peace Sir! Switches, "Salute" my friend...

                      We will remember them!


                      • #12
                        We will remember him.

                        Switches like you i need to go and be where my mate Paddy Edgar lost his life but terrifies me the thought of entering NI again. Maybe one day we can over come our demons.

                        be strong if only for your mentor Eric.


                        • #13
                          Thank you for your kind comments and support guys. It realy is much appreciated!
                          I have been away for the last week and only returned home tonight. I would love to take you all up on your kind offers of assistance. I have been discussing it this week with my wife and she agrees with you as well. If somebody could give me some advice on travel and best place to stay etc, I would be most grateful!
                          I was in a restaurant with my Son and Daughter on my birthday and it all came back as it always does on this date. We all then drank a toast to Eric! It will always be with me as it is every birthday and...... That's enough Switches, move on!!!
                          Jimmy, can you advise me please? ops:


                          • #14
                            Just let me know when you're thinking/planning to come over and we'll help you in any way we can ... and if you need taken/escorted to any particular places you only have to ask .... any time.


                            • #15
                              Thank you Jimmy, it is much appreciated!
                              Doe's anyone else here wish to make it a group visit? :? Maybe we could stay a couple of days and put several ghosts to rest! Onion, Slops, Keith, anyone else? Wait out Jimmy!
                              I personaly wold like to visit Dungannon and spend a morning or afternoon there, after that, wherever for whoever!

